Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening

Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening Doctor in Temecula

Vaginal laxity is common, especially in women who have given birth to larger babies or have given birth many times. Unfortunately, it can reduce sexual sensation while also causing other issues.

If you experience any of the symptoms below, you should definitely consult with a non-surgical vaginal tightening doctor in Temecula.

Here’s When to See a Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening Doctor in Temecula

Feminine rejuvenation can have a drastic effect on your confidence, physical health, and sexual satisfaction. 

So when should you see a specialist for treatment? Four symptoms that can be addressed with vaginal tightening include:

  1. Reduced vaginal lubrication
  2. Pain or discomfort during intercourse
  3. Decreased sexual desire and/or satisfaction
  4. Lack of urinary control

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, a non-surgical vaginal tightening doctor in Temecula could help to reduce or eliminate them completely. Imagine a life where you’re satisfied in the bedroom and don’t have pain or a low libido!

How Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening Works

IntimaLase and other laser vaginal tightening procedures tighten the vaginal walls. It also increases collagen production, which improves elasticity and tissue thickness.

The increase in collagen, elasticity, and tissue thickness notably improves function and sensation. What’s great about this treatment is that sessions are quick, easy, and pain-free.

The best part? There’s no downtime. You undergo treatment and get back to your daily routine immediately! After just a few vaginal tightening sessions, you’ll notice a drastic change.

Get Safe, Effective Vaginal Tightening at A New You Aesthetics

If you’re suffering from vaginal laxity, especially if you’re a mother or a woman going through perimenopause and menopause, make the call today to A New You for a better quality of life! 

If you’re looking for the best vaginal tightening treatment, choose A New You Aesthetics. We offer IntimaLase, an FDA-approved treatment to rejuvenate the vagina!

Ready to get started? Contact us at 951-972-8911 to book your IntimaLase consultation!

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