Which Is Better for Filler - Cannula or Needle?

Which Is Better for Filler – Cannula or Needle?

Dermal fillers are gel-based products that can be injected with a needle or a cannula.

Because some injectors favor a cannula and others prefer a needle, patients often want to know if a cannula or needle is better-equipped to achieve their aesthetic goals.

If you are debating between a cannula or needle, continue reading to learn the key differences and benefits of each option.

What’s the Difference Between a Cannula and a Needle?

There are several key differences between a needle and cannula for dermal filler treatments.

A needle has a sharp tip, is shorter, and remains in a fairly static position.

A cannula has a blunt tip, is longer, and is more flexible upon injection.

Cannula vs. Needle – Tip

Because a needle has a sharp tip, it is more likely to pierce blood vessels during a filler treatment and increase the risk of post-procedure bruising and swelling. It can also result in filler being injected into the blood vessel, causing vascular occlusion and a number of serious complications.

Due to its blunt tip, the cannula pushes past blood vessels. This reduces the chance of puncturing a blood vessel and minimizes the risk of bruising, swelling, and vascular occlusion.

Cannula vs. Needle – Length and Flexibility

Many injectors view the cannula’s length and flexibility as key advantages that allow it to:

  • Reach further
  • Provide smooth continuous delivery of filler
  • Limit the number of injections for improved patient comfort

That being said, there are other injectors who find that a smaller needle offers greater control and precision than a cannula.

Cannula or Needle – Which Is Better?

Ultimately, both cannulas and needles provide unique benefits for filler treatments and injector preference and case specifics often dictate which option is a better fit.

Schedule a Dermal Filler Appointment

If you are considering a dermal filler treatment and wondering if a cannula or needle is right for you, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with leading injector Dr. Nalan Narine.

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